Conditions and treatments
Gynaecological health includes a huge number of different conditions, and our private gynaecology clinic treats women from early adulthood through to menopause and beyond.
Some of the conditions we treat are endometriosis, fibroids, gynaecological cancer, ovarian cysts, menopause, polycystic ovaries, pelvic pain and period problems.
Evi Bakali
I have specialised in gynaecology since 2008 and see patients for general women's health conditions such as menstrual disorders, ovarian cysts, fibroids, menopause, endometriosis and cervical abnormalities.
I provide a confidential, dedicated and personalised service to help women with their gynaecological problems.

Areas of expertise
As well as professional experience with common women's health conditions such as menstrual problems, ovarian cysts and endometriosis, Evi Bakali has specific expertise in the following gynaecological issues:
Including cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, womb cancer (uterus cancer), vaginal cancer and vulva cancer.
Certified colposcopist and member of The British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (BSCCP).
Key hole surgery to encourage a shorter recovery time, less time spent in hospital and less pain, bleeding and scarring.
We offer hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to help reduce the discomfort caused by menopause.
Often caused by vaginismus, a vaginal infection or hormone levels. Treatment depends on the cause of the problem.